Visualise and Attack! Be Motivated to Succeed
Lewis Paris

Visualise and Attack! Be Motivated to Succeed

Visualisation is a key component to achieving your goals with successfully. Learn what is necessary to become your greatest you using the tools provided, which will encourage self confidence & self belief!

Be it health & fitness related, career focused or personal development, at some point throughout your journey you’ll hit a road block. That sense or feeling of thinking that things don’t feel right and you either end up at a brick wall or standing mentally at a cross road. Here you’ll start to add doubt to your current situation and possibly go down the path of re-evaluating your thoughts on whether or not to continue pursuing what you set out to do. 

This predicament can lead to mental health problems including; depression, anxiety & stress. I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying “Fight or Flight mode”, well it’s that subconscious ability to run head on into our problems or to literally run away from them. This decision will determine your next move to either succeed or fail in completing the goals you want to so desperately achieve.

London Personal Trainer, Lewis Paris FitnessSucceed

London Personal Trainer, Lewis Paris Fitness

I say face these problems head on, fight the good fight and continue to push on with what you believe in and what you want to achieve - that sense of achievement will give you a boost in confidence like no other! 

Now if we run away from them, yes we might evade the enemy at that time but it’ll continue to hunt us down leaving us to cautiously look around the corner before making our next move. That feeling is anxiety. I’ve felt this before, that feeling of being overwhelmed, the pressure you feel when the tasks at hand never seem to end alongside the mental trap that holds you down as you fight for every breathe to stay above water.

In this instance, meditation does help and i highly recommend it!

The key thing to remember is, self control and self belief. You’ve always been in control and you just need to believe this. Once this is recognised the game changes, literally! Remember YOUR reason why* you’ve embarked on this journey and what you aim to achieve for completing the goal you’ve set. This leads to the title - Visualise & Attack!

Visualisation is the key to success.

This quote has carried me through many hardships, I believe hand on heart that this has been the very reason why I keep going and will continue to strive for greatness in my own right!
*Book recommendation: Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Lewis Paris Fitness Bootcamp
Lewis Paris Fitness Bootcamp

To help you achieve your goals and fight these problems head on, we must first learn how to visualise our dreams.

Start by thinking of the goals you’ve set out for yourself, then write them down. Pick one & write it down again on a blank piece of paper, then close your eyes and start to think deeply of how you imagine it’ll feel like to have completed your goal. 

What would this achievement bring to your life? How would it benefit you? How would it feel?

Continuously run this through your mind until it feels like it’s happened. Now with this goal in the forefront of your mind, start writing down answers to the questions just asked. Once you’ve written this down, we can now start to write and plan out the blueprint to our success. 

The main question we must now consider is: When would you like to achieve your goal?

Be it short, mid and long term. We must now track back on the timeline to greatness and we HAVE to be specific. Say my goal is to lose 5% body fat for my holiday 9 months from now. What will it take for me to get there? 

Splitting it down to 3 months a piece, I will write down short & mid term goals to ensure I say on track.

At month 6, I’ll expect to have completed my goal with room to allow me to fine tune the body I envision.
At month 3, I’ll expect to have some understanding to what it takes to achieve my goal by losing 2-3% body fat.

With this written down I can now add more detail to my blueprint by thinking of ways to help guide and direct me. To do this I’ll ask questions directed at the different goals set, for example:

Would I need a Personal Trainer? 
How much help would I need? 
What type of research would I need to do?
What type of fitness programme should I incorporate? 
How much calories would I need to consume daily? 
How would this fit into my schedule? 

These are just a handful of questions I’ll need to answer to help further map out my road to success. As you can now see, the goal first set out doesn’t seem to feel so distant or unattainable anymore. The path is now set and all we have to do now is to walk the path. Stick your notes visibly on the wall, on the fridge or the door. It doesn’t matter, you just need to be able to see it consistently for you to manifest what you were thinking. 

Believe in the journey, believe in the process and with patience and consistency the goal will be met. 

Continue to visualise every step of the way!

If you’d like to further plan, then you can set yourself mini goals in the form of daily, weekly and monthly checkpoints. We all work differently and so we should do things we feel more comfortable doing and then the process will feel less of a chore. Again, this system can be applied to any area of your life. If you feel text doesn’t do your vision or dreams justice, then create a mood board with images of what your goal may or will look like along with titles (i.e. I am the CEO of Lewis Paris Fitness) to further strengthen your vision.


Be Inspired. Be Great!


Lewis Paris, Director, Founder & Award-Winning Personal Trainer at Lewis Paris Fitness

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