Standing Desk Exercises To Do While You Work

Standing Desk Exercises To Do While You Work

Our bodies are made to move and flex consistently, daily! And even with a standing desk we may fall short of this.  Doing simple exercises whilst you work and even on your break can help combat this and encourage a more active and healthy body.

Our bodies are made to move and flex constantly, daily!

If you work from home or even at the office, I'm sure the idea of a standing desk has come to mind. The main benefit of a standing desk is to help minimise bad posture from sitting and hunching over a desk all day.

With this being a massive plus, we can also fall short on this, as being in a static position for too long can actually have a detrimental effect on our body - joint pain, muscle imbalances (due to leaning).

Use these simple exercises below whilst using a standing desk to help activate your muscles and encourage a good range of motion.

Workout Examples:

Squats: 20 reps every 10mins for 1 hour

With the feet hip width apart and toes slightly pointing out, you can use the desk as an aid to squat and encourage good form. The aim is to keep your weight on the heels and brace the core whilst maintaining a neutral spine throughout the movement.

Wall Sits/Squat Hold: 1min ON 2mins OFF 8-10 reps

With your back against the wall and your feet a comfortable distance away from the wall, squat down and hold the squat position with the legs at 90 degrees and your back completely against the wall. Keep your hands off the knees and focus on holding your body up with your legs.

Calf Raises: 40 reps every 10mins for 1 hour

With the legs fully extended, raise your heels off the floor by standing up on the toes. Pause for 2 secs, release and repeat. If you want more of a challenge, do them one leg at a time.

Single Leg Hold: 3min hold each leg back to back 3-5 times

Raise one leg off the floor and balance on one leg with the foot completely flat on the floor. This will encourage the nerves and muscle in the feet, legs and glutes to be stimulated thus encouraging better balance and stability.

Isometric Glute Hold: 1min ON 2mins OFF 8-10 reps

All about the hips! Posterior tilt the hips and squeeze your glutes as hard as you can. This will help alleviate any lower back pain and encourage a stronger core.

Think strong glutes, great posture!

Press Ups: 20reps every 10mins for 1 hour

If your desk is strong enough then do these. Avoid hunching and flaring the elbows wider than a chicken! Keep the chest elevated, keep the shoulders down with the elbows pointing down towards the hip and close to the torso, brace the core by squeezing the glutes and perform your press up.

Pick and choose when you'd like to perform these exercises throughout the week and with consistency I'm sure you'll notice a difference in your posture, strength, mobility and overall aesthetic.

If you’d like a tailored workout plan suited to your goals then book a consultation with us today, we offer 1-2-1 private personal training and online coaching.


Be Inspired. Be Great!



Lewis Paris, Director, Founder & Award-Winning Personal Trainer at Lewis Paris Fitness

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