Dumbbell Tricep Workout For Home Or The Gym
Lewis Paris

Dumbbell Tricep Workout For Home Or The Gym

The triceps are key to building bigger arms, increased strength, providing support to the shoulders and improving pushing power in your lifts.

They make up two thirds of your arm which include the long head (from the shoulder blade down along the length of the humerus), the lateral head (the outer side of the back of the arm) and the medial head (the inner side of the back of the arm). 

Use this workout to help isolate and further build the triceps to help support growth, prevent injury and increase strength.

Warm Up

2 sets | 60 seconds rest & repeat

Walkouts with press up | Bodyweight | 10 reps 
- From standing bend at the knees and with your hands walk out into a high plank followed into a press up and the walk back to standing.

Side plank rotations | Bodyweight | 20 reps
 - From high plank rotate at the hips to a side plank, you'll then rotate back parallel to the floor in high plank and rotate to the opposite side. repeat

2-3 superset | 90 seconds rest

Tate Press | low weight | 15 reps | 3-0-2-1 
- Helps to improve overload capacity at the elbow joint and increase pressing strength 

Unilateral Tricep Extensions | low weight | 15 reps each arm | 3-1-2-1 
- Great isolation exercise targeted at building strength and stability in the triceps


3 superset | 2-3mins rest

Dumbbell Neutral Grip Floor Press | medium/heavy weight | 12 reps | 3-1-1-1 
- A versatile movement which adds a safety element to the exercise, the floor press allows you to confidently load heavy which greatly improves pressing power, arm lockout and tricep strength. Also great for injury prone lifters and complete beginners.

Diamond Press Up | bodyweight | failure | 3-1-1-1
- Great compound exercise targeting the triceps and chest which helps to recruit your stabilising muscles for better support and pushing power in your lifts

3 supersets | 2-3mins rest

Close Grip Dumbbell Press | medium weight | 12 reps | 3-1-1-1
- Increased muscle activation is gained during this exercise as you press together and push up

Skull Crushers | light/medium weight | 10 reps | 3-1-1-1 
- Improves the strength and stability in your shoulders, whilst fixated they help to isolate the triceps under load plus the variation encourages continued growth

3 superset | 2mins rest

French Press | medium weight | 12-15 reps | 3-1-1-1
- Encourages growth and overall strength in the tricep, this exercise targets the long head of the muscle specifically as it forces the muscle to use its full ROM and then contract when in full extension which is great for muscle hypertrophy.

Bench Lying Kickbacks | light weight | 15-20 reps | 1-1-2-1
- Lie chest down on the bench, with dumbbells in your hands flex at the elbows to form 90 degrees with the arms tight to the body, hands towards the floor. In a controlled motion keep the arms fixed and extend the arms to contract the triceps, pause at peak contracted and then slowly lower the weight back to starting position and repeat.
- Lying down prevents bad posture with this exercise, alongside this it is a great isolation exercise which specifically targets the triceps lateral head, medial head and long head

Cool Down

Tricep Stretch | 20-30 second hold each arm.
- Raise your arm overhead and flex the elbow to bring your hand behind your head and down your back. With the opposing hand, grab your elbow and pull your arm towards the head and hold the stretch.

Give this workout a go and let us know how you got on.

If you’d like a tailored workout plan suited to your goals then book a consultation with us today.  We offer 1-2-1 private personal training and online coaching.

Be Inspired. Be Great!


Lewis Paris, Director, Founder & Award-Winning Personal Trainer at Lewis Paris Fitness

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